I’m so sorry. I love my blog and I always mean to attend to it more regularly and then life happens.
1. A lot has happened since my last post back in May. I’m still creating, albeit not as much as I would like because my workplace has reopened and so, I’m having to go into the office on a more regular basis than during the pandemic. I can really see my growth over the past yearish and I’m excited to see where I’m at in that growth a year from now. I really am wanting to create a space for myself in this room that is my art room. We need to declutter the other room to move the bed that is currently in this room and do a couple of other things as well to make it happen and there just never seems to be enough time.

2. The new husband and I went on an epic adventure this summer which started in Amsterdam and ended in Lucerne. It fed my wandering, adventuresome spirit, my creative muse, my dance monkey and epicurean soul. We saw gorgeous castles along the Rhine, ate amazing pretzels in Hamburg him dressed in a lederhosen and me in my dirndl. We took a gondola up Mt. Pilatus (my eyes squeezed tightly shut the very last leg of it) and then took a cog train to the bottom. We spent an amazing day in The Hague with the best tour guide ever, where we stood inches away from Vermeer’s “The Girl with the Pearl Earring,” and Fabritius’ “The Gold Finch.” We also spent a day with another excellent tour guide exploring the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. We took day tours to see various working windmills in the Netherlands and another day on the bus through the Black Forrest.
There are times when I have to pinch myself that this is my life right now. I’m with someone who wants to do as much as possible in the time we have left on this earth. We enjoyed so much of our trip and he makes it all possible.

3. Last week-end, I was watering my garden and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye in one of my planters. I bent down and saw the cutest baby lizard burrowing in the dirt, trying to escape from a predator – namely, me, I was the predator. I scooped him in my hand and he (?) promptly played dead. I brought him down to show the new husband, who videoed my find to show to his brothers and sisters, my parents and my kids and others I’m sure I don’t know about (lol) on What’s App. I watched the video and I saw a girl who is happy with her life (most of the time) and how far she has come from just a few years ago when she thought her life was over.

4. I did some real damage to someone I care about and love unconditionally and I wish I could wave a magic wand and undo the damage I’ve done. I don’t know how to fix it.
5. When I question where I’m at in my life right now, I have been pulling a card from my Moonology deck. It’s eerie how accurate it is for me. I asked a question about the new husband and pulled the “Blue Moon” card as in someone like this only happens in our lifetime “once in a blue moon.” Another time I pulled a card in relation to the ex and it was the Void-of-Course Moon card and it read, “nothing will come of this situation.” So yeah, reminders from the universe that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.
6. I ordered a Cricut machine. It’s not arrived yet, but I’m hopeful within the next few days it will be here. I’m not sure exactly what I will do with it but mostly envision making stuff for my art, like stencils or other cut-outs. I’m also going to try to make some cards with it. I’ve been watching YouTube tutorials and really cannot wait to get started with it.
7. The featured image is from Effy Wild’s Patreon course called “A Year of Mary,” using poetry from Mary Oliver as inspiration. You should go check it out.
8. So how are you? How was your summer?
Your trip sounded and looked incredible. I’ve been to many of those places but when I was much younger. I don’t think I enjoyed or appreciated them as much as I would now! I’m sorry about the damage. Apologies only go so far, don’t they?