A man in a dark suit is kissing a woman in an ivory dress. She is holding flowers. They are in front of an ocean.


Today is our one year wedding anniversary.

It’s interesting being in a second marriage in the later half of our lives.

I think that neither of us are delusional about being “in” love and it being the cure-all for life.

Loving someone is hard work.

Being “in” love and the fluttery feelings of a new relationship is the easy part.

We both lived a lifetime with somebody else, raising families, building careers, and experiencing heartbreak that nearly broke the both of us.

And yet, here we are in a world where just a few years ago we didn’t know the existence of the other.

I don’t believe that another completes me. I’m fully complete on my own.

However, I do believe in enhancement.

Thank you for choosing me to be your life partner on this adventure.

A man in a dark suit is kissing a woman in an ivory dress. She is holding flowers. They are in front of an ocean.
Happy One Year!

Happy Anniversary, baby.

1 Comment

  1. Margaret says:

    Very true. Exactly how I feel in my current relationship. Neither one of us wants to get married, but the rest fits.

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