Beast Mode

Mish Mash

1. My Oculus Quest 2 arrived yesterday. It took a little bit of time to set-up, but over all the process was relatively easy and smooth. I am blown away by the graphics on this piece of equipment. It feels very immersive and mind-blowingly real. I danced with a robot and exercised with a fitness trainer yesterday. I was thinking about how far we have advanced when a small piece of equipment holds more storage than the my first desktop computer, it can run completely wireless, and has incredible sound to boot.

2. The exercise program (for the Oculus) that I signed up for will keep my interest and will add the needed diversity to keep me motivated. I’m starting out easy, but even the one I did yesterday, did it’s job which I can tell by my sore muscles today.

3. Two days ago, I signed up for Bewitched. I’m excited about this as another means of exploring and coming more fully into tune with myself. There are two live video chats that I won’t be able to attend, but I’m excited about the writing prompts and another avenue of meeting like-minded people. I don’t much care for navel gazing, but I do love self-exploration and being pushed to look at new ways of thinking about myself and others.

4. Work has finally slowed down a bit for me. Teachers are returning to work on campuses (reminder – buildings were closed, but teachers continued to teach) and there are still many mixed feelings about that. I know the reality of the conditions of our school buildings and know the working conditions and insurmountable unrealistic expectations school districts and parents place on teachers. Too many forget that teachers are human beings with lives and families outside of their classrooms. They aren’t being selfish for trying to make sure they are safe.

5. I had a follow-up appointment with my primary care doctor today to go over my most recent lab results due to my diagnosis of coronary artery disease last year. Everything came back good, so I’m on the right track. I also went over with her other things I need to be on the look-out for as a 55 year old woman, so we discussed taking vitamins, how to determine food portions, and scheduling my first shingle shot. My husband and I are really trying to be mindful with food and movement since he’s older than me by 15 years, longevity is important to the both of us.



  1. I need to Google Oculus. It sounds intriguing. I love your picture of Luci and Ethel. Brought back memories.

    Glad you’re doing well.

    1. I first heard about Oculus through Effy. It’s a fun experience.

      1. I love the idea of the oculus I shall have to look into that if you will forgive the pun! Good wishes for your health regime.

        1. It’s so immersive and fun. I heard about it through Effy.

  2. Happy to hear that your tests results were good!!

    1. Thank you! Me too.

  3. Margaret says:

    I had heard of the Oculus before but not for exercise. I’m glad that your numbers were good and that you have a plan for wellness. That’s where we have to begin our journey!

    1. It’s a fun experience. Yes, even despite the weight gain, I’m pleased with my numbers.

  4. Oculus sounds so interesting, I’ll have to look into it a bit more. Yay for you taking such good care of yourself!

    1. I’m going to look into other things on the Oculus today and tomorrow. I’m just afraid of getting too sucked in! thank you for encouragement.

  5. Glad your results were good. I haven’t tried oculus but I do really need to get off the couch and do more exercise – don’t we all these days lol Elle xx

    1. Yes being more active is important and doesn’t have to be tied to weight loss. It definitely helps me mentally as well.

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